Important information for all speciality courses We don’t have access to your driving record, so please ensure to direct any inquiries to Motor Vehicle Registration ensuring your taking the correct course (1 877 636 6867 or email [email protected] and get the name of the person who provided you the information. Absolutely No Refunds if you register/attend any of the speciality course and later learn that it does not meet the requirements set out by MRD. All speciality courses require you to provide upon registration a current Drivers Abstract EXCEPT FOR THE DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE and ASSESSMENTS |
ADT – Addictions course This course is for anyone who has a suspended drivers license and has been notified by Motor Registration that this is the course they are required to complete. We have on staff a certified Addictions Councillor to administer this course and it is certified by Motor Registration Service NL. A current Drivers Abstract is required when registering. Upon receipt of your application, you will be sent a Client Intake Form to be completed and returned to us. Upon completion of this course, we will email the report to Motor Vehicle Registration. The course involves the following: · In class sessions · Individual assessments |